Summer just wouldn’t be right without traveling for a fun-filled vacation. While enjoying yourself, the last thing you want to encounter is a dental emergency. Unfortunately, that’s not always enough to stop one from happening. The good news is there are steps you can take to be prepared for and prevent dental emergencies in Carrollton. As you continue reading, a local dentist provides some helpful tips that you’ll definitely want to take heed to.
#1 – Pack an Emergency Dental Kit
As best you can, you want to prevent a dental emergency from happening, but it’s still a good idea to be prepared in case one arises. By effectively responding, you can better decrease the discomfort, stabilize the situation and recover faster.
Here are some of the items you should be sure to include in your dental emergency kit:
- Cotton gauze
- A handkerchief
- Saline solution
- A small container with a lid
- Gum numbing medication (Orajel)
- Over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen (Advil, Aleve or Motrin)
- The contact information (office number and email address) of your dentist
#2 – Drink a Sufficient Amount of Water
If you’re like most people, drinking water while on vacation probably isn’t at the top of your to-do list. While it’s certainly okay to “let your hair down” and indulge in some of your favorite beverages while vacationing, it’s still of the utmost importance to drink an adequate amount of water.
In addition to helping to keep your body hydrated, it will aid in saliva production. This is of great significance because saliva helps to flush debris and bacteria from your mouth and maintain a healthy oral pH level.
#3 – Swim with Care
The hot temperatures of summer make swimming pools all the more inviting. Unfortunately, medical professionals see a peak in pool related accidents during this time of the year. Children are especially at-risk. Thus, it’s best to remind them not to surface quickly when underwater, as to prevent a sudden collision. They should also avoid running on slippery pool decks and diving into shallow pools, which can lead to a dislodged tooth or another type of painful dental emergency.
#4 – Pay Your Dentist a Visit
You can never go wrong scheduling a preventive care visit with your dentist in Carrollton before heading out on summer vacation. By taking this proactive step, you can rest assured that any budding issue can be stopped in its tracks before it develops into a greater problem. In addition to achieving a clean set of teeth, you’ll be able to smile with confidence when it’s time for photos.
By taking a careful approach, you can better prevent a visit to an emergency dentist in Carrollton and ensure that this will be a summer full of amazing fun and positive memories!
About the Author
With over 20 years of experience in the dental field, Dr. Afshin Azmoodeh has helped numerous families prepare for their summer vacations. The Texas A&M College of Dentistry graduate takes a careful and compassionate approach to delivering care to each patient. Dr. Azmoodeh helps families get summer-ready at Epic Family Dentistry, and he can be reached for more information or to schedule a visit through his website.